Thursday, December 24, 2009

Spotlight: anoldfriend

The "women" of Aria Blue. Who are these vessels of femininity ? These self appointed guardians of "womanhood" ? We break the stealth at the request of none other and the gentle flower known as anoldfriend . That isn't her real name , I believe it is Susan Ann Robins.

"It’s because Unsuccessful people; people have given up, Hate to be around Successful people. It reminds them of their failure to transition and assimilate into society as legitimate members of the Female Population." -anoldfriend

HUH ?!

"Sue Ann Robins is a supporter of former Northwestern University Psychology Department Chair J. Michael Bailey, author of The Man Who Would Be Queen. Like almost all of Bailey's supporters, Robins is half a century old, divorced, and a longtime crossdresser who now identifies as transsexual. Robins has discussed "I remember what it was like back in the early days when I started Crossdressing. I carried all that baggage around every Crossdresser and half of the Transsexuals do." - from

And apparently are still carrying it only externally.

"Over the years I have found Christians to be some of best allies. They understand the difference between a birth condition and a fetish." -anoldfriend

Ted Haggard did. Having sex with a man while doing heavy drugs drugs once a month for 3 years . But he's not gay right ?

" You are a classic example of what is for the most part wrong with the Tee-Gee community.And yes we are better than you; only because we make a conscious effort to be the best people we can." -anoldfriend

The statement speaks for itself.

"We are what I have said we are, the very best people we can be, we strive for that goal. We don’t sit around and feel sorry for ourselves or write blog posts about how abused we feel. We made our way in society and went along to get along because we are women, not women with a qualifier (trans-woman for example)." -anoldfriend

Actually, sitting around on a blog attacking TG people is feeling sorry for yourself.

"We can't get anywhere because of all the TG's! Boo hoo ! " -anoldfriend

Get a life.

"The path of resistance is always to blend into the mainstream, not evangelize one’s strangeness." -anoldfriend

After seeing you, I doubt you could.

"I gave up living in the wrong body, gender and sex role 29 years ago where were no safety nets, I had to make a living, and I had nobody to support me. I had to put on the big girl pants and do the right thing." -anoldfriend

Yeah, it looks like you missed the safety net by 20 feet and landed on your face.

"You ever notice what happens when one of us opens our mouth in a Tee-Gee group, we get shouted down and eventually booted out, you know why?"- anoldfriend

God, because you assault them and call them "transvestites" you idiot ! I mean , you are leaving out a lot.

And so it ends with "Just sayin". The standard retort of all REAL WOMEN ! I couldn't agree more. I'm happyjbee and I'm , just sayin ! Have a great day !

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